MobX GitHub


MobX SDK for GitHub RESTful API, which is based on MobX-RESTful.

MobX compatibility NPM Dependency CI & CD


  1. User
  2. Organization
  3. Repository
    1. Contributor
    2. Language
    3. Issue
npm i mobx-github

Some Node.js tips about the upstream mobx-restful you should know:

"compilerOptions": {
"target": "ES6",
"moduleResolution": "Node",
"useDefineForClassFields": true,
"experimentalDecorators": false,
"jsx": "react-jsx"
import { githubClient, UserModel } from 'mobx-github';

// Any possible way to pass GitHub access token
// from local files or back-end servers to Web pages
const token = new URLSearchParams('token');

githubClient.use(({ request }, next) => {
if (token)
request.headers = {
authorization: `Bearer ${token}`,
return next();

export const userStore = new UserModel();

Use WebCell as an Example

import { component, observer } from 'web-cell';

import { userStore, organizationStore, repositoryStore } from '../model/GitHub';

@component({ tagName: 'github-page' })
export class GitHubPage extends HTMLElement {
connectedCallback() {

disconnectedCallback() {

render() {
const { namespaces } = userStore;

return (
{{ login }) => (
<option key={login}>{login}</option>